Friday, May 7, 2010

My little Sweetheart!!

Sept. 9, 2009 was one of the greatest days of my life, an 8lb 8oz. beautiful baby girl was born. She was introduced to the world with a fround bottom lip, and powerful lunges that let everyone in the room myself, my wife, the Dr., the nurses, and my mother-in-law that she was here!!

My wife was exhausted, but relieved, as was i, that she was here after 12hrs of labor and my wife was a trooper through all of it. She had problems from the start, when we got to the hospital and got settled, the nurse couldnt get her IV in. Then to make matters worse she couldnt eat at all throughout the whole labor process. Then to top it all off, they guy putting the needle in for the epidural, couldnt find her spine so she sat there for 20mins. while he poked and poked until finally! success!! So she gets all the credit for how she handled the situation.